Artificial Intelligence Technology in Journalism and the Perspective of a Journalist’s De-Anthropocentrism

Keywords: de-anthropocentrism, computational journalism, artificial intelligence technology, dimensions of anthropocentrism


The aim of the article was to demonstrate that AI technology can be a source of the journalist’s de-anthropocentrism. With this in mind, we analysed the literature on the subject and the ways artificial intelligence is used in journalism. The method of analysis and synthesis was applied. The conclusions partly confirm the research hypothesis adopted in the introduction, which assumes that the use of AI technology in journalism implies changes in all four types of anthropocentrism distinguished by Ewa Bińczyk and thus shapes the journalist’s de-anthropocentrism. This means a change in the role of a journalist in computational journalism. Currently, a hybrid journalist is emerging, sharing most journalistic activities with non-human beings (agents) (such as software, algorithms, or social bots). Apart from performing technical activities, these agents more and more often determine the quality of information by acting as algorithmic gatekeepers. Consequently, interpretation of all issues from the point of view of man and by man is increasingly being replaced with the “interpretation” by technological entities. Until recently, the “moral products” of computational journalism were indirectly the products of a human programmer. Nowadays, GPT-3 generative technology has changed this perspective. Algorithms that learn from each other do not know the categories of value, reliability, or good. Relying on the activities of non-human beings brings about problems of a fundamental nature, as it means giving up the anthropocentrism of a journalist.


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