The Media Commandments of Father Professor Leon Dyczewski and Marketing Communication

Keywords: Leon Dyczewski, media literacy, advertising, public relations


The article refers to the principles of “appropriate attitude to the media” formulated by Father Professor Leon Dyczewski to contemporary marketing communication: advertising and public relations. In line with his recommendations, the issue of media education was taken up in relation to the knowledge and competence of advertising reception. Based on the research by Seth Ashley and colleagues a scale for measuring media literacy was developed, with particular emphasis on content creation techniques and reception of advertising. The model includes elements of knowledge measurement about 1) the ways in which media outlets effectively reach their audience, 2) messages & meanings of advertising, and 3) advertising representations and reality. The scale of Ashley and colleagues was extended to include additional media literacy measures. Two new components have been added: measures for self-assessment of media literacy (subjective media literacy) and the importance that receivers attach to media literacy.


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