Sociological Problems in “Roczniki Nauk Społecznych” [Annales of Social Sciences] in the Years 1949-2012

  • Marek Pabich The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Science
Keywords: “Roczniki Nauk Społecznych” [Annales of Social Sciences]; subdisciplines within sociology; history of sociology


This article is a survey of “sociology-related topics” discussed in "Roczniki Nauk Społecznych” [Annales of Social Sciences] throughout the past sixty years, in the forty volumes of the journal. At first, “Roczniki” were dominated by legal studies. In time, more and more papers were included in sociology of religion. Other numerous publications represent such fields of sociological research as: sociology of morality, sociology of the family, sociological theory, research on the media and on the notion of identity.
