The role of image in ritual media communication based on the example of Polish news bulletins

  • Aleksandra Seklecka Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Keywords: media rituals; news bulletins; television; image


The article presents some questions connected with the role of image in ritual communication based on the example of polish news bulletins. I focused my analyse on this kind of programme, because of its popularity. The aim of this research is to analyse the usage of visual content of news bulletins and its role in the perception of information. Images are also important from the perspective of ritual communication. They strengthen the verbal message and broaden the control mechanisms over the recipient. There are several question that can be asked here. What pictures are used to convey message? In what context they appear? How the usage of picture changes according to a kind of the presented information? What is the relation between verbal and visual message?


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