Local development policies. Subjective perspective

  • Lech Jańczuk The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Science
Keywords: local development; supra-local development; territorial self-government units; social capital


The article analyses the conditions that occurred in Poland in the process of the creation of local development entities. The article consists of three parts. The first and the second analyse determinants conditioning the functioning of municipalities and counties respectively in shaping local development policies. In the last part, other local development actors were characterised. The article emphasises that local development is conditioned, on the one hand, by the change in the value of goods and services produced by the private sector and the infrastructure created by the public sector, and on the other hand by the development of social capital. An important element of the creation and implementation of local development policies is the integrated, subjective approach involving all actors of local and supra-local life in vertical and horizontal systems. It is also essential that local development policies are created and implemented on the basis of a consensus between local actors and that they are taken into account in (and not just adapted to) developmental supra-local policies.


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