Credit Market in Poland

  • Agnieszka Stolarska Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: bank; credit; financial system; credit system; money


One of the sources to finance enterprises is credit. The criteria and conditions for banks to give credits affect both the activity of business subjects and their further development. The paper contains an analysis of the situation in the credit market. It is based on the results from a survey conducted by the Department of the Finance System of the National Bank of Poland. The survey encompassed the period between March and April 2005 and was conducted among 24 banks.

A consolidation of the bank sector, the increase of the importance of foreign banks, and the establishment of parabank institutions increase competition on the market of financial services. Banks search after methods to elicit information that would help them make decisions.

The situation on the credit market affects the functioning of the whole financial system. The majority of banks does not predict changes in credit policy. A change may temper the conditions and criteria on which to give credits. They essentially affect the management of corporate finances. It is also important how banks elicit information about the modes of financing.


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