Dynamics of Mutual Funds Industry's Development in Middle-East Europe Countries
After the economic transformation in post-communism countries institutions of capital market were setting up, among which there were mutual funds. Ways to achieve capitalism system in several countries of Central-Eastern Europe were different and likewise conditions of the development of mutual funds. Similarities connected with dynamics of development are visible in four countries of a region: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
Considering the FEFSI data, we can observe development delay in comparison to the rest of European countries. This is due to rather late entering of corporate investment institutions into markets of the countries mentioned. The second conclusion concerns their extensive development in the not much noticeable period of mutual funds functioning. However, in the second half of the 90's in most countries of a Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary region a boom in alternative investment products took place.
The data presented in this work shows our region as a very dynamic in terms of development pace, although in the race for European assets we are at the back.
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