One More Idea to Reform the Sector of Health Care − Bonuses to Medical Service

  • Joanna Mucha Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: bonuses to medical services (co-charges); instruments to manage the demand in medical care; moral gambling; accessibility to medical care


The paper discusses in detail the question of bonuses to medical services. The first part characterises various kinds of bonuses. In further parts the are functions of mutual charges in the sector of medical care are discussed. Another part of the paper is devoted to the negative effects that may be connected with co-charges. Then we discuss the system of co-charges, i.e., the decision that must be made when bonuses are introduced to medical services. Such decisions deal, among other things, with co-charges and various rates of bonuses in different sectors of the system of medical care (outpatient care, stationary care, medicines), then exemptions and lower rates. The last part of the paper is devoted to the alternative instruments in relation to co-charges.


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