Zeszyt 11: Anglica

Fascicle 11: Anglica 2023
Theme: Intersections

In keeping with the growing tendency towards multidimensional approaches to social and cultural phenomena, the editors of the forthcoming issue of Roczniki Humanistyczne (Annals of Arts), vol. 11 Anglica, 2023 invite original articles examining intersections within and without literature in English. Possible topics or areas of focus include, but are not limited to:

  • Interdisciplinary approaches to literary texts
  • Intertextuality, intermediality, multimodality
  • Transmedial concepts and phenomena
  • Mixed methodologies, eclectic theories
  • Hybridity, amalgamation, cross-pollination
  • Conflict, clash, collision

We accept only unpublished research papers of high scientific quality.

Language: English
Article length: up to 30 000 characters with spaces (including abstracts, key words, and the list of works cited)
Formatting: MLA (the eighth edition)
Deadline for submission: 31 May 2023

Our editorial office reserves the right to preselect texts in terms of their subject matter and editorial content.
Texts should be submitted electronically via the Open Journal System (OJS) after logging in or e-mailed to the Secretary Kamil Rusiłowicz: krusilowicz@gmail.com

Addresses for correspondence:
Editor: Dr. hab. Grzegorz Maziarczyk, prof. KUL – grzegorz.maziarczyk@kul.pl
Secretary: Dr. Kamil Rusiłowicz – krusilowicz@gmail.com