Dekretacje w lustracji ziemi lwowskiej z XVII wieku

  • Józef Kość Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Słowa kluczowe: dekretacja; schemat tekstowy; dyrektywa; performatyw; lustracja


The text type of the inspection decree can be reconstructed from the corpus of such documents issued in the region of Lviv. This text type was that of an official decree, and it was part of the legal enforcement process in the 16th-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The main argument schema in the text type under analysis was realized through the following formulation: who decrees what to whom in response to complaint. Its full version also contains additional textual components that further elaborate the main structure, and which provide precise conditions on how to effectively execute the decree and on what legal grounds.

Shaping this text type was a long-term process. As presented in the analyses, the 17th-century version of the text type in case was a highly developed, advanced one. Its earliest textual sources can be traced back to the Medieval official documents. One can safely assume that the officials in inspection commissions – established by the Polish Diet, and active from the 16th to the 18th century - contributed hugely to the development of a standardized text type for this official document.


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