Nazwy lubelskich aptek

  • Anna Czapla Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych
  • Agnieszka Kutyła Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych
Słowa kluczowe: onomastyka; chrematonimia; mikrotoponimia miejska; nazwy własne aptek


The paper presents an analysis of 234 names of pharmacies in Lublin. On the basis of the semantic criterion, the names were classified as follows: names relating to reality: 1) topographic, 2) possessive, 3) derived from medical or beauty plants, 4) derived from the names of manufactured medical products, 5) containing a chronology-related element, 6) derived from pharmacies’ coat-of-arms, 7) derived from sacral names, divine persons or ancient medics, 8) associative names, describing a place in which a pharmacy is run, 9) attributive names, 10) referring to the names of astral objects; Names that were not motivated by reality: 1) derived from unreal and mythical figures, 2) derived from names of imaginative medicines. Other names are classified as ambiguous or vague. The research has shown the following productivity index for the names in question: possessive – 45.2%, attributive – 14%, topographic – 9.5%, derived from medical or beauty plants – 8%.
