Przemiany architektoniczne bazyliki św. Kosmy i Damiana w Rzymie. Propozycja projektu wizualizacji

  • Agnieszka Szymaszek Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
  • Maciej Szymaszek University of Gothenburg
Słowa kluczowe: dziedzictwo kulturowe; komputerowa wizualizacja; technologia informacyjna; wirtualna rzeczywistość; modelowanie trójwymiarowe; wiarygodność historyczna; wizualizacja niepewności; ochrona trwałości danych


The project presented aims to develop knowledge about the history of the Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Rome in the form of visualization. The concept described is an attempt to exploit the advantages of visual representation offered by information technology in the study of historical monuments. The issues related to computer visualization of cultural heritage indicate a need to establish a reference model for the project, which will increase the sustainability of its results and facilitate access to them. Implementation of this model in the database of source materials, which is discussed in the text, forms a documentation of the current state of work. Particular attention was given to resources essential for understanding of spatial relationships in the building, such as iconographic and historical descriptions of the basilica. This survey determined that extensive material exists, which can provide data for the visualization.
