W obronie ducha i ciała. Początki bernardyńskiej placówki w Opatowie
The article is concerned with the origin of the defense system of the brick buildings erected by the Order of Friars Minor Observants, commonly known as the Brown Franciscans or the Bernardines. Bernadine monasteries were situated outside the town walls, often in retired spots, which was their characteristic feature. According to the rule that was obliging then all the monastery buildings were wooden. Foundation of the Opatów monastery was an exception to this rule, as the monks received an already existing brick church, situated on a hill. The beginnings of Bernadine monasteries, especially ones situated in the territories of the Polish east and south-east borderland, coincided with the threat of Tartar attacks. This could result in a process of disappearance of Bernadine monasteries in those areas. To resist this the Opatów Bernardines gave the features of a defense system to their buildings. Efficiency of this approach was proven by the Tartar attack on Opatów in 1502 when only the fortified church and monastery survived. Also other Bernadine monasteries (among others Tarnów, Lvov, Vilnius) fortified their buildings, in this way strengthening the towns' defenses. In order not to oppose the requirements of the binding rule the monks applied for the Pope's permit that would authorize adjusting the monastery buildings to the local political realities.
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