„Świat jest dopiero między mną a światem” (K. Gąsiorowski „Troje”) – między tautologią a nadinterpretacją

  • Marzena Dobner Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych
Słowa kluczowe: Krzysztof Gąsiorowski; grupa „Orientacje”; konteksty filozoficzne; egzystencjalizm


The text develops selected aspects of the philosophical-existential issues evoked by the quotation from K. Gąsiorowski's poetry contained in the title of the article. First of all tautology of the poetic quasi-definition of the world presented in the fragment is a problem. Secondly, the impression of the triumph of philosophical context (especially of E. Husserl and M. Heidegger) of the meaning of the word “world” evoked in the analyzed phrase over its semantic content in the aesthetic dimension (over the reduction of the poetic function, bordering on banality) is a contentious issue. In the discussion of the latter of these problems – limited because of the requirement concerning the brevity of the article – the category of “the third man” as a social construct formulated by Gąsiorowski – will prove helpful.
