Oblicza Demeter u Kallimacha z Cyreny
The article considers the characters of goddess Demeter in the sixth hymn of Callimachus To Demeter. Analysis of heroine’s image must show the author’s skill in composing the hymn’s narration, as well as his good knowledge of religious ceremonies and his attitude toward the glorified deity. Namely the study of goddess’s epithets (sometimes hidden) used in hymn aims to present Demeter’s images: Demeter as a mourning mother, goddess of crops, fruits and cattle, giver of happiness, health and season-bringing goddess; Demeter as a law-giver. One can observe how Callimachus skillfully changes his narration; together with such transitions from mimetic to non-mimetic frame changes the character of Demeter. The hymn starts with the ritual scene of carrying kalathos (a special basket) on the holiday honoring the goddess, where the poet shows special rules for ancient women in her worshiping. Next goes a scene from the myth of Persephone’s rape and Demeter’s wandering in searching her lost daughter. But the poet decides to interrupt this story and to start a new one – a cautionary tale about Erysichthon’s crime in the Demeter’s sacred grove and his punishment by fair goddess. Here is heard the main idea: no one can escape from the god’s will and its’ power. In the end Callimachus returns to mimetic frame and here Demeter appears again in her full glory and as a giver of many benefits for people.
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