Litwa w 1807 r. między Rosją a Francjąq

  • Dariusz Nawrot Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Słowa kluczowe: Litwa pod zaborem rosyjskim; wojna 1807 r.; traktat tylżycki; powstanie Księstwa Warszawskiego


The paper addresses the question of the relationship of the inhabitants of the Great Duchy of Lithuania to the events of 1806-1807. The author is interested in the way Lithuanians reacted to Napoleon I's war against Prussia and Russia. He raises the following question: were they mainly passive and came to terms with the rule of Alexander I? It is commonly claimed that the inhabitants of the western governments were passive towards the rising in Greater Poland and the events that followed, and assumed loyal attitudes. The author proves that this view has no grounds. As the war of 1807 continued, also in Lithuania there were some plans to organise a rising, and there was a growing hope that Russia would ultimately be defeated by Napoleon. We have to mention some political steps taken by Alexander I to prevent a possible rising.


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