Sen o Syjonie. Projekt państwa żydowskiego w noweli Bolesława Prusa Sen Jakuba. Sześć uwag

  • Jakub A. Malik
Słowa kluczowe: Bolesław Prus; nowelistyka pozytywizmu; asymilacja Żydów; syjonizm


The article is devoted to Boles"aw Prus’s nowel Jacob’s Dream (1875) – to the way it is received in a context different from the original one. Published for a second time in Evening stories (1895) it is a debate the author of The Doll holds with the positivist program of assimilation of the Jews. At the same time the author indicates the new possibilities Zionism gives. Prus tries to see the threats the Jewish nation will face when it will build its state. In many points Prus’s views remind of Theodor Herzl’s opinions. The article is also an attempt at showing the evolution of Boles"aw Prus’s attitude towards the so-called Jewish issue in the 19th century, which is to a large degree typical of his generation.
