Pismo i rana. O literaturze polsko-żydowskiej

  • Władysław Panas
Słowa kluczowe: literatura polsko-żydowska; inność; pismo; rana


The text is an attempt at grasping the phenomenon of Polish-Jewish literature, and at reminding the reader of its most outstanding figures: Maurycy Szymel, Anda Eker, Roman Brandstaetter, Debora Vogel. An absolute exceptionality of their works within the framework of Polish literature consists in making a Jew, who is an archetype of the Different One in it, a speaking subject. Władysław Panas carefully looks at various ways of expressing this difference that each time proves to be an open wound in the writers’ poetical identity, probably most precisely expressed by the phrase „a Polish poet, a Hebrew mute”.
