Lekcja profesora Arendta

  • Władysław Panas
Słowa kluczowe: Schulz; Arendt; anagram


Władysław Panas subjects one scene of a drawing lesson from Bruno Schulz’s ‘The Cinnamon Shops' to a penetrating analysis. Professor Arendt, who conducts the class, in the researcher’s interpretation loses the features of an actually existing teacher, and his name becomes a peculiar anagram of the name of Rembrandt for Panas. In the context of the thesis he puts forward he refers to the special achievements of Ferdynand de Saussure, who conducted detailed studies of anagrams in 1906-1909. In the discussion a skeptical opinion by the famous Italian semeiologist Umberto Eco appears that provokes Panas to theoretically define the conditions for an adequate anagrammatic interpretation.
