„Antykwariat anielskich ekstrawagancji” albo „święty bełkot”. Rzecz o Piecyku Aleksandra Wata

  • Władysław Panas
Słowa kluczowe: Aleksander Wat; Rajmond Lullo; Abraham Abulafia


The article presents in detail some esoteric motifs from „I On the One Side and I On the Other Side of My Pug-Iron Stove” that have not yet been commented on. We see here various kinds of references to magic and occultism, to angelology and demonology, to gnosis and alchemy, to Christian mysticism and to Jewish mysticism. According to Panas, however, the esoteric tradition that is the key for „Stove” is the exceptional version of the Jewish cabbala (standing in opposition to the Zoharic theosophical currents) proposed by the Catalonian Rajmondo Lullo (the Lullian cabbala) and Abraham Abulafia (the ecstatic cabbala).
