Przedmonarchistyczna idea oświeceniowego patriotyzmu

  • Arkadiusz M. Stasiak Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: monarchizm; patriotyzm; „Monitor”; Stanisław August Poniatowski; myśl polityczna XVIII wieku


The monarchal camp between the years 1765 and 1771 consistently disapproved of all images of love of the homeland that had a traditionalist and republican character. Representatives of this fraction, i.e. of the pro-royal orientation, adopted for their programs the ideas of love of the homeland that functioned as early as the first half of the 18th century. And even though they enriched with new elements the thought they had borrowed, they did it in a marginal way. First of all they expressed their criticism of the existing models. I think that the criticism set the authors free of the irrational and non-reflective view typical of the group. Identifying the homeland with the institution of the state, representatives of the group centered around the person of the King, including the monarch himself, used the argument of not observing the law by the confederates as a manifestation of non-patriotic behavior.


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