Ikonografia Daniela miedzy lwami na krzyżach celtyckich

  • Ryszarda Bulas Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: krzyże celtyckie; ikonografia; sztuka irlandzka


The author presents iconography of Daniel between the lions on the crosses, which were made in Ireland and Scotland in the period 8th-12th centuries. This scene is represented on eleven Irish crosses (Kells, Kilree, Moone, Casteldermot, Galoon, Clones, Arboe, Drumcliff) and on two crosses from Scotland (Iona, Maigle). The author divides all scenes with Daniel between the lions on three groups: Daniel with two lions, Daniel with four lions, Daniel with seven lions. The autor states that scene with Daniel symbolizes on the Celtic Crosses very important step of the spiritual ladder to the heaven. This idea was basic for the monastic live of Irish monks in Christian Ireland.
