Działalność kulturalno-oświatowa i zbiory biblioteczne Zakładu Narodowego imienia Ossolińskich
The aim of the present paper is to broaden the knowledge about the Institute (Ossolineum) as far as developing and propagating national science and culture is concerned.
The institution works according to the assumptions accepted by its founder, Jerzy Maksymilian Count Ossoliński. By organising the library – that was supposed to be national in its character – in 1817, Ossoliński laid foundations for establishing the Ossoliński National Institute.
He expected Ossolineum to convert creative energy giving new contents to the national culture and a centre promulgating Polish science, culture, education and art all over Europe. The brief outline of the history of Ossolineum from its establishing in the 19th century to the present that is presented in the paper helps understand the complex origin of the Institute. It is not only a monument of the national culture, but first of all it is a well functioning establishment that has very good facilities serving research work in the form of a rich book collection. This is why in the paper I try to describe Ossolineum's books, taking into consideration their range and contents, and to emphasise the wonderful Ossolineum collections, like coin or archaeological ones.
Copyright (c) 2003 Roczniki Humanistyczne
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