Wyrazy polskie i niemieckie w ukraińskiej gwarze okolic Brodów (lata 1930-1945)
Jaszczun's paper Мова селян Брідщини в 30-х і в першій половині 40-х років нинішнього століття contains 100 dialect Ukrainian words. They have been collected by the author in the period in question with 15 examples of Polonisms and 17 Germanisms.
Karpluk sought to take a look at the remaining 68 words and expressions, which of them are Ukrainian and which became part of the way the Ukrainian peasants from the vicinity of Brody spoke. They came straight from the Polish language (the type of pjuro [pen], studnia [well]) or through the Polish from other languages (the types of familija, talirka, walkir). The considerable semantic extension of the collected words allow us to assume the influence of the Austrian/Polish offices (the type of gmina), the army (hurlopnik), schools (hantramynt), but also direct contacts with the Poles living in Brody. This is apparent in the names of animals (gacyk), objects (butelka), and also ornaments (brandzułetka), in customs (hudeńky, pudzinkuwanie), trade (tanyj) and in adverbs imbued with emotions (naprawdu, teńho).
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