Rzymskie wspomnienie Antoniego Madeyskiego. Przyczynek do twórczości artysty

  • Lechosław Lameński


Antoni Madeyski (1862-1939) was one of the many Polish sculptors who spent several decades of his life in Rome. Although we know relatively much about the artist, there are a few works by Madeyski on the Tiber that are not known to Polish researchers. In its character the article is a contribution; it generally describes all the Roman works by the sculptor. Both the ones that are generally well-known, like Aleksander Gierymski's tombstone in Campo Verano or the new mensas with antependia, and the forgotten epitaphs in the Polish St Stanisław Church, and especially the sculptures that are passed over in silence, kept in the Polish Hospice attached to St Stanisław Church (a marble bust of Maria Lenwalowa); in the Polish Papal Institute (plaster models of busts of Jan III Sobieski and Jan Zamoyski); model of figural groups of Sts Cyril and Methodius, may be created by Madeyski; and also in the collection of the Documentation Centre of John Paul II's Pontificate (a relief with the portrait of Wanda Petrażycka).
