Wydatki artystyczne dworu Jana Kazimierza w latach 1650-1653

  • Ryszard Szmydki


The art in Jan Kazimierz's times more and more appears to be a separate, indeed different phase in the development of the Polish baroque. In the years preceding the wars of the middle of the 17th century the King reorganised his artistic court. Warsaw became the place where the most interesting and most fertile artistic events in the history of the 17th century Polish art occurred. New opportunities were created for the whole generation of artists taking example by the ripe forms of the Roman baroque. The King's bills of 1650-1653 quoted in the article provide an interesting picture of Jan Kazimierz's care of fine arts. The royal money were mainly designed to cover the expenses connected with the reconstruction and furnishing the three residences: Pałac Kazimierzowski (the Kazimierz's Palace) in Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, the Vasas' residence in Nieporęt outside Warsaw, and to a lesser degree the Royal Castle itself. And lastly there were expenses connected with the Royal Chapel.
