Liryka sodalisa. O juweniliach poetyckich Tadeusza Różewicza

  • Tadeusz Kłak


The work analyzes a group of poems written by an eminent poet, Tadeusz Różewicz (b. 1921), and published in the monthly of Marian Sodality entitled "Under the Sign of Mary" in the years of 1938-39. The poems are important not so much due to their artistic value as to their importance for the manner of understanding and expressing religious problems in its later lyrics. In this work the author dealt, among other things, with imaging poems, their semantics, and the attitude of the subject towards the sacred sphere, pointing at the elements exposed in the poems, i.e. loneliness of the temple, man and God and the turning of the reader's attention rather towards the external, visual and artistic (painting, sculptor's and architectonic elements) aspect of the depicted reality. Juvenile poems of Różewicz announced the coming crisis of the hero's faith, confirmed in the poem Burden of 1940, as well as the later divergence between that poetry and the metaphysical sources. In these works one could perceive also some characteristics of poetic technic, characteristic of the later lyrics of the author of Niepokój (Anxiety).
