Kilka charakterystycznych właściwości polskiej składni

  • Tadeusz Brajerski


The author writes about flexional forms in which Polish surnames occur in the ancient Latin State documents. He states the following:

1) The singular masculine and feminine surnames were almost always in the nominative, e.g. carrying the function of Latin genetive: Ad postulationem generosi Alberti Karbot nomine generosae Agnetis Karbotowa consortis suae legitimae; the function of dative: Nobilibus AndreasŁojecki et Zophiae Malicka coniugibus; the function of accusative: post olim nobilem Annam Gościradowska.

2) The plural masculine surnames which carried the function of nominative, genetive and dative, occurred with Polish suffixes of the three cases, and as the accusative and ablative in the form of the historical plural accusative, e.g. Nobiles Otwinowscy et Ostrowscy; Nobilium Petri atque Adalberti Bliskowskich; Nobilibus Nicolao, Ioanni, Marco Malickim; acc. contra generosos Moszyńskie tum generosos Romery ac generosos Szamowskie; abl. de laborioses Alberto [et] Thoma Stępniki, una cum nobilibus Paulo et Francisco Świerczyńskie, Sophiam de Wybranowskie Jałowicka.

3) The author has found only few forms of the feminine plural number: gen. nobilium Mariannae, Annae, Catharinae Stempkowskich; dat. Vobis generosis Theresiae, Mariannae, Catharinnae... Morawieckiem sororibus inter vos germanis; acc. Generosas obligatoriam et Theophilam arendatoriam tenutricesm Wybranowskie.

The principles of writing surnames in such flexional forms were established before the 2nd half of the 16th century.
