Teaching French for Special Purposes - How to Prepare Students of European Studies for Internship at the European Parliament

  • Katarzyna Kwiek The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: French for special purposes; specialised language; internship; European Studies; module


The article describes the constantly changing needs of students learning a foreign language. In the past, teacherʼs job was to introduce general vocabulary or speaking in a foreign language, however today, because of the labour market, many students are forced to speak a specialised language even before completing their studies.

What I mean are, for example, students of European Studies doing an internship in MEP ʼs offices in EU institutions, who should use a foreign language in specific professional situations. Therefore, their language classes should not limit themselves to learning only the general language, but also contain a module for vocabulary, structures that appear in the language of the European Union and give an opportunity to read examples of texts written using them.

The article presents an idea of such module, goals that will be achieved using it and sample exercises that are included in it.


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