Internet Pseudonyms vel Nicks: An Onomastic Characterization and Usage

  • Adam Siwiec Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Keywords: computer-mediated-communication; the language of the internet; internet pseudonym; nick; traditional pseudonym; self-naming; pseudonym forms


The major goal of the study has been to explain theoretical issues connected with the onomastic characterization of names used by internet users, i.e., the so called nicks. Can they be regarded as traditional pseudonyms, or do they constitute a unique anthroponymic category? The author suggests that nicks are a subcategory of pseudonyms, but they have certain properties that become especially salient in connection with the communicative medium.

Theoretical and descriptive considerations have been supplemented with nicks used on the film.web website. An attempt has been made to show the diversity of nicks but without unnecessary detail as regards the motivation for individual naming decisions. Instead, onus is put on various examples of onymic license, which has a multidimensional nature in computer-mediated communication. For example, it becomes noticeable through its associations on the appellative language plane, through interonymic relations, or through various neo-geographical forms. This license also underlies the processes of extending the boundaries of a particular language (e.g. English elements are used in Polish nicks).
