The Tympanum of the Northern Portal in Former Premonstratensians Nuns ’Church in Strzelno

  • Joanna Szczęsna Faculty of Humanities, Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Strzelno; Prem onstratensian nuns; tympanum


The tympanum of the northern portal in former Premonstratensians nuns' church of the Holy Trinity in Strzelno has been discovered in 1953 and it is preserved in its original place. It is dated circa 1216.

The tympanum is extraordinary regarding its iconographic content and its form as well. Formally it is distinguished by its trifoliate shape and the richness of sculptural meanings applied in order to reach the maximum of relief expression of the bas – relief.

The bas – relief represents Christ in mandorla sitting down on the rainbow with a dove of the Holy Spirit over His head and treading the Lion and the Dragon.. Two Angels, two symbols of Evangelists and two Apostles surround Him. For its iconography the most important is the representation of two animal – headed symbols of Evangelists – Mark and Lucas instead of four Evangelists (or their symbols) surrounded Christ, which is the most common in such a representations, and two Apostles – Peter and Paul. These couples are connected since in 2nd century Christian writer Irenaus of Lyon has described their dependence in the tractate Adversus Haereses. In the same time, according to Irenaus, these Evangelists symbolize the Kingship (Mark – Lion) and the Ministry (Lucas – Ox) of Christ. The activity of treading the Dragon and the Lion (traditionally we have represented four beasts - except those ones there are also the Basilisk and the Aspis), in which we can assume symbols of the Satan and the Antichrist, point out the authority of Christ over these evil powers. The bird over Christ's head interpreted as a dove of the Holy Spirit may refer to the patrocimium of the church or shows the highest majesty of Christ by permanent presence of the Holy Spirit.

The element which completes the representation is the floral twig going out from mouths of masks on the archivolt of the tympanum. This is the symbolic illustration of the popular in the Middle Ages theme of Psychomachia.

In wider ecclesiastical and political context this representation may refer to the role of the Premonstratensians Order in introducing the church reform in Poland and the Papacy. In that time the Pope was famous Innocent III. During his pontificate the Papacy experienced the apogee of its significance. Innocent III put out the conception of double curacy of Christ and the idea of the Pope himself. The Pope, as a deputy of Christ on the earth was supposed to hold in his hand both spiritual (Christus Sacerdos) and secular (Christus Rex) powers. So representation from the tympanum of the northern portal pointed out the majesty of Christ by place around Him all symbols mentioned above might be the illustration of this idea. It is also very probable that the northern portal was the main entrance to the church.


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