Polish Positivism and the Spirit of Modernity

  • Tomasz Sobieraj Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Keywords: positivism; modernity; novel of the middle of the 19th century


An attempt at reconstruction of the cultural model of Polish positivism as a component of the paradigm of modernity is the subject of the study. It tries to describe the constitutive determinants of the positivist world view in which „the philosophical discourse of modernity” was evidently reflected. Polish positivism turned out to be an explication of fundamental, emancipation  ideas of modernity, mainly the ideas of civilization progress that determined the positivists' historiosophic thinking. The spirit of modernity was manifested in Polish positivism not only on the plane of „great narratives” legitimizing intellectual discourses of that time, but it also influenced the status of the conception of subjectivity that was obligatory in that epoch, a conception that was basically founded on the modern episteme.
