The Binding of a Book of Gospel – the Work of the Goldsmith Johann Gottlob Mertzsching

  • Irena Rolska-Boruch


In the treasury of the former Jesuit church in Lublin, and now in the St John the Baptist and John the Evangelist cathedral in Lublin there is a silver and gilded binding of a book of Gospel made by the German goldsmith Johann Gottlob Mertzsching who worked in Görliz. Among open-work acanthus twigs three medalions are put with scenes of the Last Supper, Flagellation and Christ Crucified. In these little pictures first of all the anatomy and psyche of the people are presented in a masterly way. The binding of the Lublin book of Gospel proves great artistry of Johann Gottlob Merstzsching who worked in the trade guild in the years 1704-1722.
