Looking for Sources of Inspiration (or on Two Polish Versions of Herman Hugo's Pia Desideria)

  • Joanna Hałoń Faculty of Humanities, Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: emblematics; love; Bible; antique; spirituality; mystic literature; free translation; congenial translation


Herman Hugo's Pia desideria (Antwerp 1624) is an emblematic work with a poetical-mystical character, constructed on the basis of three stages of mystical life, that at the same time is distinguished by a wealth of references, allusions, and quotations taken from various sources (the Bible, ancient works, hagiography, mystical writings, broadly understood symbolism). It is just that circle of inspiration that proves to be an outstanding plane on which it can be verified to what degree two Polish language versions are successful translations of Hugo's work. The versions are: Aleksander Teodor Lacki's (1673) and the Sandomierz Anonym's Nabożne westchnienia (probably before 1673).

Hence the research work aims at discovering and naming the sources of inspiration under whose influence the two Polish versions were written. It will not only consist in confronting Pobożne pragnienia and Nabożne westchnienia with the Latin original but also in comparing them with each other.

A comparative analysis leads to fairly interesting conclusions. In most cases Lacki understands extraordinarily well the inspirations hidden in Pia desideria, expressing them in his version. In his description of the Beloved's extatic experiences in her love relation with God's Amor he sometimes enriches the presentations on his own initiative (the influence of Petrarkism). However, it should be stressed that he rather avoids his `own' thoughts or poetic images. On the other hand, the Sandomierz version is characterised first of all by scarcity of artistic devices and emotional `dryness' of the poetic images (especially on the plane of almost all quotations in the sensual-erotic current present in Pia desideria; also, by a strong connection between the image and the word, and a preference – even to the Latin original – of the world of the Bible, and especially of its symbolism and the moral-philosophical thought.
