On the Need for the Concept of Subject (and its Keen Concepts)

  • Ireneusz Bobrowski Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Keywords: Polish language linguistic; syntax; basic concepts


The paper sought to show how beneficial it is to include the concept of subject in the grammatical model of the generative language. First of all, the inclusion of this concept (and keen concepts) considerably contributes to make this grammatical model more explicative. Its explicit character results from the fact that a linguist builds a bridge between syntactics and semantics, and (in the broader perspective) between linguistics and logic. Taking into account the fact that logic − and its related linguistics − results directly from Aristotle, the inclusion of the concept of subject to linguistics means at the same time an attempt to conserve this concept in culture. Thereby we reject those grammatical models which can see no reasons why the concept of subject should be present in them. At the same time we approve of cognitivists' merits. It is a key concept for them, but we do not agree with their opinions on the role of functional concepts in generative linguistics.


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