Folk Reception of the Evangelical Parable about the Good Shepherd in the Recordings of the Religious Song Chrześcijanie katolicy proszę posłuchajcie (Christian Catholics Please Listen)

  • Kinga Strycharz-Bogacz The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: beggar’s songs, folk reception of biblical content, variability


The article aims to show the folk reception of the New Testament parable about the Good Shepherd in the religious song Chrześcijanie katolicy proszę posłuchajcie (Christian Catholics please listen). It belongs to the genre of beggar’s songs and is represented in the collected empirical material by 55 recordings from 13 Polish regions. The research proved an exceptionally high degree of variability of the musical layer and variants of the lyrics of this song. Undoubtedly, it is determined by its genetically folk origin. Thanks to this, the song functions in 11 different melodic versions as well as numerous melodic, rhythmic, formal, agogic and interstrophic variants which also show regional, subregional or local determinants.

Author Biography

Kinga Strycharz-Bogacz, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Kinga Strycharz-Bogacz, PhD – The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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