Organs in the Churches of Zawichost Deanery of the Sandomierz Diocese Instruments Not Preserved in the Light of Archival Sources

  • Maria Szymanowicz The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: organs, Zawichost deanery, Sandomierz diocese


This article continues the author’s series of texts on the organs and organists of the Sandomierz diocese. This cycle is a part of the 200th anniversary of the creation of the diocese, which took place in 2018. The article concerns non-preserved organs in the churches of the Zawichost deanery. It was created based on eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth-century sources kept in the archives in Kraków, Sandomierz and Radom.

Analysis of the obtained data has led to the following conclusions. In the Zawichost deanery, six churches were found to have 15 unsaved instruments. They were small organs, from 5 to 13 voices, in the vast majority with one hand keyboard. Only two organs from the end of the 19th century were equipped with a pedal. They were all located in the music choir, above the huge church door. The instruments were painted and decorated with woodcarving, many of them were in poor condition. Only one piece of information was gained about the builder, it was Antoni Adolf Homan, the author of the organs in the Czyżów parish. In the studied area a Rococo prospectus of the now non-existent positive in Trójca has been preserved. To create a full monograph of Polish organ construction, many more contributions are needed and this is the nature of this article.

Author Biography

Maria Szymanowicz, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Prof. Maria Szymanowicz – Head of the Department of Instrumentology, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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