A Word on Translating... (The Children’s Poem “Morozhenoye” by Samuil Marshak)
The aim of this article is to analyse the translation of Samuil Marshak’s poem Morozhenoye (“Ice-cream”). While reflecting upon the process of translation, the author poses the question whether the translator’s activity is not a certain conscious system of calculations – adding or subtracting pieces of data, their identity or equity in relation to the original. The author also tries to answer the question of how to translate literary works for children. Isn’t subtracting or adding vital pieces of content in the translation process actually putting the reader in front of largely modified or completely different images? While questioning the applicability of some of the translator’s solutions in the analysed text, the author proposes her own translation, which aims to reflect the original more closely and more adequately in terms of both content and form. More importantly, seeking equation with the original text is not an attempt to apply word-for-word equivalence, but rather aims at giving the reader the conditions to make a similar reaction to the text, via the translator’s conscious and considerate choices. Each piece of the text has its locus in the reader’s imagination. Replacing, deleting or adding them may modify the text’s reception. As it turns out, “mathematical calculations” in the text do not always result in a change in its reception – quite paradoxically, subtraction or addition may result in the most appropriate reception.
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