Using Contemporary Books about Art as a Didactic Tool on Lessons of Polish as Foreign Language

  • Klaudia Mucha-Iwaniczko Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Keywords: Polish as a Foreign Language; art; children’s literature; didactics; picture books


Art creates a space for conversation about emotions, colors, textures, situation and characters presented by the author. Observing the work should be an active act of creative conversation with ourselves experience and sensitivity. The piece of art could be an inspiration for the communicative situation so it might be used while learning foreign languages. Contemporary book market for children and youth offers a wide range of books about art and artistic activities. It presents art and its history in an accessible and interesting way especially for younger audiences. The use of the latest books about art shows a picture of modern thinking about artistic education. It focuses on the reception of art from the perspective of a young participant of culture and their abilities. The aim of that article is to introduce the modern publishing offer and indicate the practical possibilities of using book about art while learning Polish as a foreign language. These examples of works include both – the Polish and foreign publishing market.


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