Звичайна справа by Valentin Vasianovych in the Translations of the Students – Translation Successes and Failures in the Light of Foreign Language Teaching

  • Przemysław Jóźwikiewicz University of Wrocław
Keywords: the Ukrainian language; audiovisual translation; translation studies; film translation; didactics


The present article aims at providing an answer to two important questions: what is audiovisual translation and in what do the audiovisual translation classes contribute to the execution of particular teaching tasks, i.e. the teaching of the Ukrainian language at a certain defined level. The project undertaken by the second-year students of Master’s programme involved the translation of the dialogue list of the film directed by Valentin Vasianovych „Звичайна справа”. It became the criterion, on the basis of which their skills not only of translation but also of their command of the Ukrainian language were assessed. The article presents the most frequent errors as well as interesting translation solutions and the very process of preparing film subtitles.


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