A Foreign Language Child in a Polish Kindergarten, about (Un) Restrictions in Education

  • Klaudia Bączyk-Lesiuk Collegium Da Vinci, Poznań
Keywords: didactic; multiculturalism; migration; kindergarten; education of immigrant children


For several years, a growing number of foreigners have been seen in Poland. Interestingly, not only seasonal workers come to Poland, but according to Eurostat research, these are people who decide to stay permanently, buy apartments, start families. In the context of the globalization of culture, it is worth considering the state of Polish education, with a particular emphasis on the pre-school education. What can the state offer to children who learning Polish as a foreign/second? How do teachers find themselves in this new educational situation? Who is really a person working in a kindergarten: a teacher, a mentor, a guardian of identity, a speech therapist, a psychologist or just a companion? The work focuses on problems reported by kindergarten teachers as a result of contact with an immigrant student in kindergarten. The presented case studies will become an answer to the question about need for change in postmodern Europe.


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