For a Lexico-Terminological Profile Model of the Terms of Animal Welfare: The Case of “Conveyor” and “Guardiano”

  • Cosimo de Giovanni University of Cagliari
Keywords: animal welfare; terminology; lexico-terminology; terminology uncertainty; terminological relevance; semic analysis; multilingual terminology


This article proposes to offer a model to draw a lexico-terminological profile of the two terms, relating to animal welfare, mentioned in the European legislation, those of conveyor and guardiano. From each term, we try to draw a lexico-terminological profile using a representation of the correspondences between the lexical unit and the terminological unit in order to determine its terminological relevance. Theories and models of lexicology analysis are indispensable. The results obtained will prove that terminology, as a discipline and as a set of activities aimed at the study and standardization of terms, is not entirely independent of a linguistic aim of its basic units.


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