Representations of Our Lady of Sorrows by Adolf Hyła
In the entire painting heritage of the Cracow artist Adolf Hyła, who lived in the years 1897-1965, alongside leading Christological realizations, Marian iconography had a special place. Among the sixty-five paintings on this subject, there are also representations showing Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows. The inspiration for the creation of these works were paintings by Carl Dolci, an Italian painter of the Baroque period, in the Mater Dolorosa type. In discussing the history of individual iconographic realizations created in the years 1940-1962, a chronological key was used. Thanks to the preserved catalog of Hyła’s works and during the search, all six paintings of Our Lady of Sorrows were found. Two of them are in the hands of private owners, and the other four are: in the parish of Bolechowice near Cracow and in Wojnicz, in the parish church in Spie and in the religious chapel of the Seraphic Sisters in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska.
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Janicka-Krzywda U., Lokatorzy przydrożnych świątyń, [in:] Ziemia 1910-2000, red. F. Midura, Warszawa 2000, Sp. 121-136.
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Straussman-Pflanzer E., Baldassari F., The Medici’s Painter: Carlo Dolci and Seventeenth-Century Florence, New Haven 2017.
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Szweda P. MS, Adolf Hyła. Malarz z Łagiewnik, Kraków 2014.
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