Contemporary Researches on the Greek Manuscripts of Krakow as a Source of New Scientific Results
Contemporary methodology is crucially important for conducting any research which can be called scientific. This pertains also to the area of literary studies and linguistics in a broad sense. Palaeography, which is no longer just one of the many auxiliary sciences of history, has a major role to fulfil in this respect. The most important issue is that owing to the new approach in the palaeographic and codicological studies it is possible to verify information about dating of a text, as well as the place and background of its creation and its further fate. In this way, several mistakes in the analysed texts have already been corrected.
The aim of the presented paper is to indicate, on the basis of the selected examples, a need to undertake studies on Greek palaeography in connection with codicology and diplomatics and to encourage reflection on the links between Greek palaeography and, e.g., history and transmission of the text.
Examples of works, analysed with contemporary tools and methods of palaeography (here specifically Greek), present the perspectives in research on texts and point to the need for new reflection on known texts which can be revised today in previously unavailable manuscripts owing to the contemporary multispectral methods, which can cast a new light both on theories of ancient philosophers and on other antique texts.
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