The Role and Meaning of the Catholic University of Lublin for Foreign Students

  • Christopher Garbowski Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Keywords: foreign students; summer school; year-long language and culture programs


The author came to the Catholic University of Lublin from Canada in 1983 to participate in the year long Polish language and culture program and stayed on to complete his M.A. studies in history. He attempts to present, primarily from the perspective of a witness, what meaning the university had for foreign students in the 1980s. These students can be divided into two main groups: those who came to the summer school (organized since 1974) and those who came for the year long language and culture programs (initiated in 1976). There were also some students participating in the regular course of studies at the university. Because of their lengthier stay they had a greater understanding of the Catholic University of Lublin and it had a deeper meaning for them. These students appreciated the anti-communist nature of the Catholic University of Lublin, its connection with John Paul II, as well as the fact that its degrees were recognized abroad.


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