The State Policy towards Building Investments at the Catho- lic University of Lublin

  • Joanna Kumor-Mielnik The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: building; construction; university; state authorities; the communist authorities; Catholic University of Lublin; rector


The issue of the article concerns issues related to the attitude of the communist authorities towards the renovation and construction investment undertaken by the rectors of the Catholic University of Lublin. The state policy towards building investments undertaken at the Catholic University of Lublin depended on the relationship of party-state authorities to this university. In the 50s and 60s, communist authorities opposed the attempts to expand the buildings of the university. Addressed to district and provincial authorities applications for permission to build and expand university buildings, were refused. In the 70s, with the changes that have taken place at the university, the attitude of the state to building investments undertaken by the new university authorities has also changed. As a result of these changes, it was possible to start a gradual development of the University’s buildings, which did not have the proper dynamics until the 80s.


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