Predicates as Expressions of the Concept Relation: Analysis of Polish and French Legal Terms ‘Marriage’
The method of analysis proposed in the article is based on realistic metaphysics. The ontological structure (conceptual representation of reality) is developed on the basis of specialists’ knowledge and related to the meaning of the term. The tool for expressing conceptual components in a language are predicates that receive the status of a term in the specialized text. On the example of Polish and French terms of the same concept ‘marriage’ in the Code of Canon Law (1983), the author shows that noun and verbal predicates express different aspects of the concept (profiles), are related to cause and effect relations and form a coherent whole. The analysis of parallel bilingual texts shows that Polish and French terms have different predicates (ways of naming conceptual components). Differences also appear at the level of the text, which corresponds to stylistic standards. This combination of conceptual analysis levels with the lexical and syntactic layers of the discourse also gives tips for more precise elaboration of linguistic facts in computer linguistics.
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