“Unbearable Responsibility”. An Intepretation Proposal for the Poem Dałem Słowo [I Gave My Word] by Zbigniew Herbert
The article is an attempt at unravelling the mystery hidden in Zbigniew Herbert’s poem Dałem słowo [I Gave My Word], a work from the farewell volume of the poet (Epilog burzy [Epilogue of the Storm], 1998). The author proposes an interpretation based on the assumption that the poem is an autobiographical reflection and the title “word” stands metonymically for the poetic creativity and refers to the literary activity of the poet from before 1956. It shows that by means of an ambivalent dialectic of the weight – lightness and wordplay, Herbert encodes the experience and places memories of the past in the circle of eternal returns, thus confirming the permanence of ethical dilemmas that come to the fore in the poems from the volume Hermes, pies i gwiazda [Hermes, Dog and Star] (1957).
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