Verbs Garantir and Assurer and their Polish Equivalents in the Text of the Polish National Constitution and in Gaudium rt Spes (1965)
The article contains a detailed analysis of the verbs garantir and assurer and their evivalents in Polish gwarantować, zapewniać i zabezpieczyć extracted from the normative texts, which are national constitutions and the constitution of the Catholic Church. As modal deontological verbs of assurance they are used in specialized texts. The study of the relationship between the type of a constitutional text and the choice of verbs of assurance in the language of the original indicates that both the syntactic structure and the meaning of those verbs are characteristic of a given type of text. The reflection over the choice of those verbs in translated texts leads to the conclusion that it is worthwhile to re-think the use of equivalents in the translated text according to the redaction style appropriate for a given normative text. Detailed illustrations of bilingual contexts of comparable texts as well as of parallel ones also aim at pointing out to computer linguistics specialists certain issues appearing during encoding and which arise from the transformation of whole phrases containing a verb of assurance during the translation process along with the consequences resulting from the choice of the de re or de dicto modality.
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