From the Palaeoslavist-Interpreter’s Workshop: Polish Language Teaching Aids and Lexicographical Studies

  • Agata Kawecka University of Lodz
  • Ivan N. Petrov University of Lodz
  • Małgorzata Skowronek University of Lodz
Keywords: Old-Bulgarian/Old-Church-Slavonic – Polish dictionaries and lexicons; literary translation; Slavia Orthodoxa


The paper presents a commented review of published in Poland textbooks, self-study books of Old-Church-Slavonic and lexicographical studies, being an evidence of scientific reflection on language and culture of the Slavia Orthodoxa area. In the first part of the paper, there are presented studies (mainly textbooks) used in practice of teaching process in universities; neverthless of their current availability and popularity, almost all of the titles edited from the beginning of the 20th cent., are described. The second part is devoted to a detailed description of dictionaries, lexicographical studies, and various kinds of encyclopaedias. Different methodological approach, selection of source texts (liturgical ones, particular codices etc.) and cultural phenomena (customs, rituals etc.), being the data base for the studies, as well as specificity of entries’ construction and their authors’ commentary are presented and analyzed.

The appendix is a register/list of almost 50 titles of translatory aids of both mentioned above groups.
